
Iin nurohmah


non-edu A1

Mt. Kelud lava dome grows, slows eruption

The Mount Kelud observation team reported Tuesday that the slab of cold lava in the middle of the mountain’s crater has grown.

“Its getting taller. Now it is about 70 meters taller, noe it is about 70 meters tall.its diameter has also increased to over 100 meters,”observation team member Agus Budiarto said,adding that the creater itself was only 200 meters in diameter.

The island-like structure of cold lava was first spotted on Monday by the observation team’s visual monitoring equipment.The team believred the cold lava was

blocking the exit route of the lava, thus preventing Moun Kelud from erupting.

Agus, who referred to the slab as a “lava dome”, said the observation team believed the some was made of andesit stone.

“This lava dome wel keep getting higher and bigher. Frankly speaking,we don’t know whetherit it wil from a smaal moutain itslef. We also don’t know whether Moun Kelud wil explode or if all its volcanic activities wiil stop after it gives birth to this lava dome,” he said.

So far, the upward thrusting movementof the lava dome has pused all water out of the creater.

Agus said lava dome were not uncommon and usually occurred folowing a fulcanik eruption. Similar domes formed after the eruptions of Moun Awu and Mount Soputan. The team believes Kelud’s dome is from the 1990 eruption.

“The formation of the dome pushed the temperature inside the creater up. Now ,its abaut 100 dagres Celcius don’t there,”Agus said.

As of Tuesday, a tall Columm of dhick sulfuric smoke was still billowing out of the creater, The team said the smoke was believed to be one kilometer high.

They also said the public needed to remember that the smoke was extreme ly poisonous and that the peak was still off limits.

Kompas,07 nov 2007

Sumarry :

The Observation team reported that the mountain’s creater was growing up, it was abaut 70 meter tall and the diameter increased to over 100 meters, the team also said that the formation of the dome pushed the temperatur inside the creater up,now it was abaut 100 degrees celcius, and the smoke was veriy dangerous and poisonus.

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